But What if He/ She is Cheating?

video-camera-lens-closeupAt first you may hope that your spouse truly is frequently getting caught up  working late and the stress from their job is unfortunately, but simply spilling over into other aspects of your life. You should try to be understanding and appreciative of that work effort after all, he/she is attempting to move up the career food chain as a means of improving your overall quality of life; so that you can move into a nicer home or go on vacations.

However, you feel that you’re missing part of the story. The communication isn’t the same. You don’t know the specifics and thats probably because you don’t have time to talk because he/she comes home late and leaves early and you’re interactions are in that half awake state of being. But, now you can’t help but start to suspect something when you don’t get a call or a text during lunch or he/she is always somewhat abruptly ending calls when you enter the room. Could your worst fear have become a reality is he/she cheating?

Now, you want to know the answers and you’re almost certainly wrong, right? But What if you’re not. You can’t come right out and ask, but you need to know and the longer it lingers the more its eating you up. So before you make a mistake and make an accusation you can’t take back, before the garbage hits the fan look into consoling a professional experienced private investigator that can get you the answers you need.

Any article contained within this website or prepared by Magnum Investigations, LLC, should in no way whatsoever be considered legal advice or suggestion to engage in any practices, behaviors, activities and you should consult with an attorney for legal advice as for Magnum Investigations, LLC and/or its authors are not lawyers. These articles are merely opinions based upon years of experience and firsthand knowledge but in no way should any content contained within be considered legal advice. By reading these articles you assert that you agree to save and hold harmless and wholly indemnify Magnum Investigations, LLC and or its authors.

A photo of a cheating spouse captured by Magnum Investigations private investigator serving NJ and PA.

Cheating Spouse

Surveillance specialists trained to remain undetected.

If you hire a private investigator to catch your cheating spouse, you can’t afford for the investigator to get caught. Most other companies are one-man operations and generally get caught.

Child laying on couch

Child Custody

A 92% success rate with child custody investigations.

The combination of Law Enforcement background, understanding of case law, Specialized Surveillance Skills, compassion and understanding of the emotions that the client is dealing with is a recipe for success that no other company has.

Private detective conducting surveillance in his car


Why pay your ex alimony if she/he is living with a new partner?

Those who invest in a Private Investigator for Alimony usually end up saving tens, and sometimes hundreds of thousands of dollars with an Alimony Reduction or a Revocation as a result of our co-habitation investigations.

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5 Tips Hiring Private Investigator Cover

5 Tips When Hiring a Private Investigator

As the owner of a 15+ year old investigation agency, these are my 5 best tips for someone considering video surveillance.

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